New top 5 innovative model idea is very important for your selection in science inspire award competition. Here is a list of top Best model ideas and synopsis for science inspire award competition 2023-2024. This post will help you a lot for model and synopsis write up. Students from class 6th to 10th can participate in this competition. To each selected student Indian government provide 10,000 rupees to complete his model idea for district level competition. Under INSPIRE Awards-MANAK scheme each school can nominate a maximum of five ideas/innovations of the students based on the degree of novelty, social applicability, environmental implications, potential impact, scope for diffusion through commercial and/or non-commercial channels, relevance to existing government schemes etc. In this article you will get the list of five best science model ideas . Get complete information about model write up and synopsis.
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Current Topic Name | INSPIRE AWARDS 2023 |
Foundation Name | National Innovation Foundation |
Registration process | Online |
Who can Participate | Class 6th To Class 10th Students |
Registeration Link | Registration |
Starting Date | Notified Soon |
Closing Date | Notified Soon |
Official Website | |
Documents Needed for Registeration
- The candidate’s IFSC-coded bank account number.
- Evidence of the candidate’s residence.
- Any government-issued identification document.
- A photocopy of the bank account passbook’s first page.
- The candidate’s birth certificate. a picture the size of a passport.
- Candidate’s certificate of caste.
Mini medicinal Fridge synopsis
Project theme
Science and Technology
Project titile
Mini medicinal fridge
Medicines are chemicals that are used to prevent wnd cure many diseases. Medicines enable the doctor to save the lives of people from various diseases. All the medicines cannot be stored at same temperature. Most of medicines stored at normal room temperature at some dry place. But some medicines we have to store at very low temperature. Taking such medicines outside the hospital is a big problem due to their cold storage.
To store the medicine at low temperature and taking them to outside the hospital to attend the patients I am going to suggest the idea of mini medicinal fridge. I have attached a automatic digital thermometer to it. This fridge is based on paltier effect.
Material needed
Battery, wires, two fans, acrylic sheet, switch, glass, handle, temperature controller
Make a cuboidal box of acrylic sheets. Attach gate in front part of it to open and close the fridge. Attach a digital temperature controller to its opening door attach two fans in back body of fridge to maintain the temperature inside the fridge. Use battery to provide the electric current. Place paltier unit inside the fridge. Make a rectangular hole at peltire unit and attach a fan in it.
Store the medicine inside the fridge
Switch on the fridge by using the battery attached to it. As it’s size is small enough so doctor can take it outside the hospital and medicines are safe in it and can be used to cure the patients outside the hospital.
It can be used in medical industry
It is portable and it can be taken to anywhere whenever needed.
It is specially useful if doctor has to carry medicine outside the hospital.
Cost effective ness
It can be made with material available in market.
It is a low cost small mini portable refrigerator which can easily be afforded by doctor.
It is a alternative solution for medicines that need low temperature for storage.
It’s small size make it more trustable to take it outside the hospital.
Water Saving Toilet Synopsis
Project Theme– Science and Technology
Project Title -Water saving toilets
Problem– less availability of water due to climate change and increasing population
Solution– Water saving toilet in which a waste water from the wash basin is utilised in flushing out the toilet.

Traffic Management Synopsis.
परियोजना विषय
विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी
परियोजना का शीर्षक
यातायात सुरक्षा उपकरण
आज के समय में बहुत ज्यादा सड़क दुर्घटनाएं होती रहती है जिसका कारण वाहनों की बढ़ती संख्या और यातायात के नियमों का सही से न पालन करना है। ट्रैफिक लाइट सड़क दुर्घटनाओं को रोकने में एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती है। लेकिन वर्तमान ट्रैफिक लाइट में दिव्यांग लोगों को सड़क पार करने से संबंधित, और बहुत ज्यादा यातायात की स्थिति को दर्शाने के लिए किसी तरह की कोई संकेतिक लाइट नहीं लगी है।
सड़क पर बढ़ती हुई दुर्घटनाओं को कम करने के लिए मैं तीन ट्रेफिक लाइट सिस्टम में सुधार कर पांच ट्रेफिक लाइट सिस्टम बनाने जा रही हूं। मैंने दो अन्य रंगों की ट्रैफिक लाइट का उपयोग किया है। मैंने इसमें दो नए नियम जोड़े हैं पहला नियम दिव्यांग लोगों को सड़क पार करने में मदद करने से जुड़ा है, दूसरा नियम बहुत ज्यादा यातायात की समस्या को समाधान करने के लिए है । ट्रैफिक लाइट में दो नए रंगों की लाइट की मदद से इन नियमों को दर्शाया जाएगा।
आवश्यक सामग्री
सेल, बैटरी, तारे , प्लाईवुड , विभिन्न रंगों के चार्ट , फेविकोल, लाल ,हरा ,पीला, बैंगनी, आसमानी रंगों के एलइडी लाइट, खिलौना कार, बस, स्कूटर
कार्ड बोर्ड का एक बड़ा टुकड़ा ले। टुकड़े पर काले रंग की सहायता से सड़क बनाएं । अब लकड़ी का एक पोल बनाएं इसके ऊपर पांच कलर की ट्रैफिक लाइट लगाएं और स्विच और बैटरी के उपयोग करें। अब इस पर ट्रैफिक लाइट को लकड़ी के टुकड़े पर बनाई गई सड़क पर लगा दें।
जब कोई वाहन सड़क पर आएगा तो ड्राइवर ट्रैफिक लाइट के पांच अलग-अलग रंगों से जुड़े हुए नियमों का पालन करता हुआ गाड़ी चलाएगा।
लाल रंग का मतलब है रुको
हरे रंग का मतलब है सड़क को पार कर लो
पीले रंग का मतलब है सड़क पर ट्रैफिक नहीं है और चलने के लिए तैयार हो जाओ
बैंगनी रंग का मतलब है कोई दिव्यांग व्यक्ति सड़क पार कर रहा है तो बहनों को रोको
आसमानी रंग का मतलब है कि यातायात बहुत अधिक है और आप अपने पास का कोई अन्य रास्ता जाने के लिए देख सकते हो।
5 रंगों की इस ट्रैफिक लाइट का उपयोग हर जगह किया जा सकता है। दिव्यांग लोगों को सड़क पार करने में इस तरह की कार्यप्रणाली अधिक कारगर साबित होगी। बहुत अधिक ट्रेफिको होने की स्थिति में यह तकनीक उन्नत यातायात प्रबंधन करने में मदद करेगा।
लागत प्रभावशीलता
अपने आसपास उपलब्ध सामग्री से इसे बनाया जा सकता है इसका मूल्य भी अधिक नहीं है सड़कों पर सरकार इसे उपयोग कर सकती हैं।
5 रंगों की यह ट्रैफिक लाइट यातायात का उन्नत प्रबंधन करने में सहायक सिद्ध होगी। यातायात का उन्नत प्रबंधन सड़कों पर वाली दुर्घटनाओं को कम करने में भी सहायक सिद्ध होगा।
Cap for Blind People Synopsis
Project Theme :-Science and Technology
Problem:– Difficulty in navigation faced by visually impaired people
Solution:-Cap for blind people. This cap with multiple features will help them in moving around and developing self confidence in them while crossing roads and doing common works. View cap for blind people full synopsis.

Synopsis related to corona virus
Project theme -Swasth Bharat Abhiyan
Project title– Smart corona alarm clock
Problem-Difficulty in maintaining the social distancing.
Solution -Smart Corona clock with various features to minimize the spreading of corona virus . View corona virus full synopsis.
Garbage management synopsis
Project Theme -Swatch Bharat Abhiyan
Project title – Smart Dustbin
Problem– Environment pollution and health crises due to mismanagement of garbage.
Solution – Smart Dustbin that provide the contact less garbage collection.

Smart dustbin synopsis in English. Click on the link given below to view full synopsis
Waste water management synopsis
Hand rest for fractured synopsis
Save electricity synopsis
eco friendly wood pens synopsis
Tool kit with first aid box synopsis
Frequently Asked Questions
What is INSPIRE?
INSPIRE stands for ” Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research”.
What is MANAK?
MANAK Stands For “Million Minds Augmenting National Aspiration and Knowledge”.
What is the objective of INSPIRE Awards – MANAK Scheme ?
The INSPIRE Awards – MANAK Scheme is to target one million original ideas/innovations rooted in science and societal applications to foster a culture of creativity and innovative thinking among school children.
Who are eligible to apply for Inspire Awards?
Students in the age group of 10 to 15 years and studying in classes 6 to 10 of all recognised schools in can participate in the competition. . All Government schools , private aided or unaided schools run by Central Govt, State Govt or Local bodies are eligible to apply for Inspire Award Manak Scheme
How much money is given to the students winning in Nomination Process?
10,000 Rupees For participating in DST.
What is an Innovation?
Innovation can simply be described as a new idea, device or method, which is useful and scalable to appropriate levels. It should have certain distinctiveness over existing similar products/devices/methods & which helps improve output or efficiency, enables multi-functionality and/or reduces drudgery etc. Innovation means creating something which is useful resource or commodity .
Why Innovation is necessary?
Innovation is necessary not only to maintain competitive advantage but for growth and development of institutions, industries and countries in a global world.
Why should we urge our children to be innovative?
Creativity among children is almost in-born. Every child is creative, the degree may vary; however, not the basic manifestation. Originality, creativity and innovative spirit among our children have to be promoted.
This will be helpful when they become leaders of our society in future ensuring an imaginative, inclusive future for the country fueled by innovation. Inclusive development of our society needs opportunities for children so as to ensure an aversion to inertia and a reverence for innovative ways of solving problems.Creative, impatient and imaginative children are one of the most precious assets of the nation. Inculcating the spirit of samvedna (empathy), srajansheelta (creativity) and sahyog (cooperation) will make them worthy citizens of not just India but the world. It will help the students to share their internal scientific attitude without the world.
Can students of all educational boards (national and state) participate in the INSPIRE Awards competition?
Yes, students irrespective of their educational board (national and state) can participate in the INSPIRE AWARDS-MANAK scheme. All state and Central affiliated board schools are applicable in this competition.
What is the contest period of INSPIRE Awards?
For nomination period and other updates please visit INSPIRE MANAK web portal (
Is there any limit to the number of ideas submitted INSPIRE Awards Competition by the students?
No, the students are encouraged to submit as many innovative ideas as they wish to the school under INSPIRE Awards Competition. Students can choose the different ideas related to different themes like Swasth Bharat Abhiyan, swachh Bharat Abhiyan and Science and Technology .
How will the screening and shortlisting be executed in INSPIRE Awards Contest?
The selection criteria will be based on novelty, creativity and originality of the ideas/innovations submitted in INSPIRE Awards Contest by the students. DST/NIF will ensure that there is due representation of girl students and SC/STS. Idea which is useful to the society and mankind is appreciated.
What should the Principals and Jury members bear in mind while selecting ideas/innovations?
The degree of novelty of the idea, its social applicability, environmental implications, potential impact, scope for diffusion through commercial and/or non-commercial channels, relevance to existing government schemes etc. may be considered. Ideas which are not only useful to the India but also useful to the whole world are appreciated.
Important Note:- We have published the above information for reference Purpose only, For any changes on the content we refer to visit the Official website to get the latest & Official details, and we are not responsible for anything. Our object is just to create awareness about Science Inspire Award 2023-2024 competition and encourage the children to participate.
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