The National Innovation Foundation-India’s (NIF) INSPIRE Awards program aims to ecourage students frm class 6th to 10th to pursue science and a career in research. Science Inspire Award New Model Ideas with Sysopsis and Model Diagrams 2024 -2025 with pdf. Get Best Themes and Best Ideas here. 5 students from each school can participate in this competition. Each student was given Rs 10,000 for designing their project model under the INSPIRE award scheme. Visit official website for more details.
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- Sample synopsis for science inspire award competition 2024- 2025
- Electricity from Trash New Synopsis
- Speed Breaker Electricity Generation Synopsis
- Manhole Detection and Monitoring system new model idea.
- Vertical Axis Wind Turbine New Model Idea
- Automatic Lifting Bridge for Flooded Areas New Synopsis
- Smart Innovative Shopping Trolly Synopsis
- Mobile Charging Shoes Synopsis
- Carbon Ink From Polluted Air new Synopsis
- Curved Road Monitoring System New Synopsis
- Smart Study Table New Synopsis
- Paper Teet Care New Synopsis
- Stair Lift New Model Idea
- Gym Electricity New Synopsis
- Smart Medical Trolly New Synopsis
- Multi Utility Stick for Old New Synopsis
- Innovative Bib New Synopsis
- Road Safety New Model Idea and Synopsis
- Save Water New Synopsis
- Medical Supply Drone- New Synopsis
- Mini Hydro Plant New Synopsis
- Women Safety Lipstic Stun Gun New Synopsis
- Gravity Battery New Synopsis
- Solar Energy Tracker New Synopsis
- Accident Alert Model new synopsis
- Multiutility Kitchen Toolkit new synopsis
- Cycle operated spray pump new synopsis
- Smart Wrist Band New Synopsis
- Solar Power Mud Pot air cooler New Synopsis
- Smart Alcohol Detector System new synopsis
Sample synopsis for science inspire award competition 2024- 2025
Electricity from Trash New Synopsis

Speed Breaker Electricity Generation Synopsis
Project theme- Science and Technology
Project title– Speed Breaker Electricity Generation
Introduction – Energy is basic requirement of human life. It is very significant to design the pollution free energy resources. The use of electricity is increasing day by day , but we know that the resources for power generation are limited, and this has caused the energy crisis. The increasing power demand results reduce in conventional resources for power generation
and increase the pollutants emissions. It is demand of time to think about renewable energy resources which are environment friendly . In order to minimise the emission of greenhouse gases, renewable energy technologies like solar energy ,wind energy, energy generated from the vehicles should be used. The traffic on rushy roads is controlled by speed breakers. The weight of vehicle in terms of potential energy can be utilised to generate the electricity through speed breakers.
Problem – large amount of energy is wasted by the vehicles on the speed breakers through friction, every time it passes over it. Jerking pressure of a vehicle is wasted during the vehicles passes over speed breaker in roadside.
Solution – I am going to give the idea of speed breaker electricity generation. modern speed breaker can be designed that proposes a method of power generation by harnessing the power of moving vehicles.
Material Needed -generator motor ,couplings, rack & pnion, L clamps, connecting rods, spring, shaft, chain sprocket, supporting frame, screws & bolts, plywood, LED bulbs, wires, cardboard, scessior, cellotape, fevicol.
Construction – Take a metallic table. Integrate all components (-generator motor,couplings, rack & pnion, L clamps, connecting rods, spring, shaft, chain sprocket, supporting frame, screws & bolts, plywood, LED bulbs, wires) on it make speed breaker electricity generation setup.
Working – Speed breaker electricity generation is a non-conventional energy generation method that uses a rack and pinion mechanism to convert the kinetic energy of moving vehicles into electrical energy. When a vehicle passes over a speed breaker, the rack moves downward to create rotary motion, which is then transferred to a DC generator that then produces DC power. The generated power can be stored in batteries for future use. This energy stored can be used further for lighting up other street lights and electric charging of the vehicles.
Utility -This method is cost effective and can be placed near toll plazas, parking lots, and other locations with high vehicle density. The generated power by speed breakers can be used for domestic as well as for commercial purpose which are near the speed breaker.
Cost-effectiveness – The price of installing this set up at roads is also not very high. We can minimise the electricity bills by utilising the electrical energy generated from the speed breakers.
Conclusion – This system has advantage such as low cost, no obstruction to traffic, and pollution-free power generation. Keeping in mind the increasing traffic on roads this technology can be employed across the different rods.
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Manhole Detection and Monitoring system new model idea.
Problem-Danger to life and environment due to open and tilted manholes.
Solution- Man hole detection and monitoring system that can monitor the manhole every minute and alert the municipal officers.
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Vertical Axis Wind Turbine New Model Idea
Problem-Wstage of Energy generated by high speed vehicles on roads.
Solution– Vertical Axis Wind Turbine generating the electrical energy from wind pressure generated by moving vehicles.
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Automatic Lifting Bridge for Flooded Areas New Synopsis
Problem– Loss of human lives and property during geavy rain on bridges.
Solution– Automatic Lifting Bridge for Flooded Areas.

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Smart Innovative Shopping Trolly Synopsis
Project theme – Science and Technology
Project title– Smart Innovative Shopping Trolly
Introduction – Shopping trolley helps people easily move goods from one place to another for hassle-free shopping. shopping malls are one of the most popular places for leisure activities, shopping, and entertainment, which attract a large number of people every day. Dragging the Shopping Cart along while shopping can be annoying. The shopping trolleys not only offer great convenience for customers, but they also encourage people to shop more. Existing shopping trollies available in malls and supermarket are manually operated and they need to modify with time according to demands of user.
Problem – While doing shopping in malls customer have two manually push the shopping trolley. Again and again manually pushing and stopping the trolley disturb the customer. Person with limited mobility disabilities also find difficulty in manually pushing the trolley while shopping the things.
Solution – My proposed model is about innovative shopping trolly. It is designed to follow customers automatically. It eliminates the need to push the cart manually. This technology offers convenience for shoppers, allowing them to focus on shopping and enjoying their experience. By using an innovative shopping trolly the disable shoppers can easily navigate through the store without the need to push the trolley or worry about losing it.
Material Needed – camera ,Atmega 328 controller, IR sensors, utrasonic sensor , motor drivers, DC motors, robot chassis, regulatory circuit, PCB Board, resistors, capacitors, transistors, cables and connectors, scissor, cardboard, charts, fevicol, plywood piece, tyres, steel rods , hardware software , IOT, some shopping items like, clothes, doll, biscuits etc.
Construction – Take a piece of cardboard and make the base of the shopping trolley. Attach tyres to it so that it is easily movable. Take a pieces of cardboard and design the body of shopping trolley. Attach this body to the base already designed. Attach cameras and sensors to it. Integrate all components together (camera ,Atmega 328 controller, IR sensors, ultrasonic sensor , motor drivers, DC motors, robot chassis, regulatory Circuitry, PCB Board, resistors, capacitors, transistors, cables, jumper wires) for proper working. A human following robot is attached at the bottom of the trolley . In the last write the software code and upload it to the computer.
Working – Innovative trolley is equipped with various cameras and sensors that can detect the customer’s location and follow them while they shop.They can focus on the products they want to buy and spend more time browsing without any hassle.The trolley robot makes use of IR Sensors, Ultrasonic sensor, motor drivers and DC motors all interfaced with an Atmega 328 Microcontroller in order to make this system work. The robot body is integrated with a mesh based trolley to form a steel basket or a cardboard basket. This robot mounted basket allows the robot to carry products similar to a shopping trolley. The robot is integrated with 4 x DC Motors with wheels. This allows for easy 4 WD movement of the robotic vehicle. The Atmega controller uses motor drivers to drive the 4 motors. The robotic vehicle has 2 IR sensors mounted at the bottom to achieve line follower mechanism properly. The robot can move along the line for easy navigation along the shopping racks lane. The robotic vehicle also has an ultrasonic sensor mounted towards the front of the robot. A sensor is used to detect the distance between the user and the robot. The robot keeps following the customer at certain distance as customer moves through the shopping lane.
Utility – It can be used in shopping malls supermarkets and other grocery shops. It is specially useful for physically disable person with the certain limited disability.
Cost-effectiveness – The price of smart innovative shopping trolley is also not very high. It is easily affordable by the shopkeepers and other business owners.
Conclusion – Smart innovative shopping trolleys reduce unnecessary human efforts while shopping and also improve the productivity of customers .
Mobile Charging Shoes Synopsis

Carbon Ink From Polluted Air new Synopsis
Problem – Global warming and air pollution caused by carbon dioxide relaeased from vehicles and factories.
Solution- Carbon ink from polluted model

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Curved Road Monitoring System New Synopsis
Problem-Accidents across U shaped curved roads in hilly areas.
Solution- Curved road monitoring system idea related to road safety.

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Smart Study Table New Synopsis
Problem- Student health issues related to wrong posture of sitting and eye related problems while studying in dim light.
Solution- Smart study table fitted with light intensity checking sensor and posture correcting sensor.

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Paper Teet Care New Synopsis
Problem- Difficulty in carrying tooth paste and tooth brush by travellers and astronots as they carry limited things with them. Pollution caused by plastic used in making tooth paste and tooth brush.
Solution- Paper teeth care strips for brushing
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Stair Lift New Model Idea
Problem– Difficulty experienced by old aged people while using stairs.
Solution– Stair Lift

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Gym Electricity New Synopsis
Problem- Westage of mechanical energy of human workout in Gym while doing exercise.
Solution– Gym electricity

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Smart Medical Trolly New Synopsis
Problem- Ordinary cart does not allow movement on stairs but smart medicinal cart allow movement on stairs.
Solution- Smart Medical Cart

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Multi Utility Stick for Old New Synopsis

Innovative Bib New Synopsis
Prblem- Health Issues caused due to excessive salivation in little kids and patients.
Solution– Innovative Bib

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Road Safety New Model Idea and Synopsis
Problem- Accidents due to High beam of vehicle headlights that glare the vision of driver at night .
Solution- Automatic Dipper System in Vehicles

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Save Water New Synopsis
Problem- Less availability of wates and manual watering of plants
Solution- Arduino based smart waterng syatem

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Medical Supply Drone- New Synopsis
Problem- Delay in timely transportation of medicines in rural and hiily areas during medical emergency.
Solution- Medical supply drone.

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Mini Hydro Plant New Synopsis
Problem-With increase of population it is difficult to meet the increased need of energy requirement.
Solution- Mini Hydro Power plant

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Women Safety Lipstic Stun Gun New Synopsis
Problem- Women are assaulted , harassed , molested and violated in the various places.
Solution– Women Safety Lipstic Stun Gun

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Gravity Battery New Synopsis
Problem- Traditional batteries have small life span and use lithium ions. The diposal of tradionalm batteries is not eco friendly
Solution- Gravity Battery

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Solar Energy Tracker New Synopsis
Problem- Tradional solar pannel are fixed and cannot harvest maximum energy of sun throughout the year.
Solution- solar energy tracker

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Accident Alert Model new synopsis
Problem– Delay in giving the first aid to patients at accident locations
Solution– Accident Alert System

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Multiutility Kitchen Toolkit new synopsis
Problem- Difficulty in storing and handling individual tools .
Solution– Multiutility kitchen tool kit

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Cycle operated spray pump new synopsis
Problem- Knapsack is the most commonly used type of sprayer but it causes Back pain and exertion of the user due to its heavy weight and manual pumping.
Solution– cycle operated spray pump

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Smart Wrist Band New Synopsis
Problem- Difficulty faced by old age people in regular health check up and risk of falling due to poor mobility conditions.
Solution– Smart Wrist Band or Smart Clock with IOT

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Solar Power Mud Pot air cooler New Synopsis
Problem- Environment pollution caused by green house gases generated by air conditioner.
Solution- solar power mud pot air cooler

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Smart Alcohol Detector System new synopsis
Project theme – Road Safety
Projector title – Smart Alcohol Detector System
Introduction – Drunk driving is the act of driving under the influence of alcohol, and it’s a major factor in road traffic crashes worldwide. Alcohol can have adverse effects on driver’s motor skills, vision, and ability to concentrate, making it dangerous for them and others. Drunk driving affects the driver’s physical and mental efficiency while driving.
Problem – Drunk driving is one of the major reasons behind road accidents worldwide. In most of the road accidents drivers have been observed to have excess alcohol content in their blood.
Solution – I am going to give the idea of a smart alcohol detector system using arduino coupled with gsm and gps for location transmission. My proposed model allows for automatic sensing of alcohol in breath. I used a motor to demonstrate as a vehicle. We also used a GPS module with GSM to send an SMS message to the concerned person in case alcohol is detected and stop the vehicle motor automatically.
Material Needed – Arduino Uno, Aacohol sensor, DC motor, motor driver IC, GSM/GPS Module, LCD, LED, Vtg Regulator IC, Cables and Connectors, resistor, capacitor, diodes, PCB, transformer/ Adaptor , IC switch, push buttons, IC Sockets, fevicol, charts, battery , plywood , toy wheel, hardware software, IOT , plywood, charts , fevicoal etc
Construction – Take a plywood piece and cover it with chart to make the base of model. Assemble all components ( Arduino Uno, Aacohol sensor, DC motor, motor driver IC, GSM/GPS Module, LCD, LED, Vtg Regulator IC, Cables and Connectors, resistor, capacitor, diodes, PCB, transformer/Adaptor , IC switch, push buttons, IC , wheel ) together to make smart alcohol detector system. Write appropriate software code and upload it to the computer.
Working -The system consists of an Arduino Uno board along with an alcohol sensor for alcohol detecting and a GSM/GPS Module for notification to concerned authorities and family members. In case of a drunk driver, if the alcohol content is higher than the permissible limit which is detected by the alcohol sensor and the Arduino controller which stops the motor so that drunk driving can be avoided and also sends notification to the authorities or family members along with the location of the car so that assistance can be provided.
Utility – Technology can be integrated in all type of vehicles like cars, trucks etc.
Cost-effectiveness – The price of installing smart alcohol detector system in vehicles is also not very high .
Conclusion – My proposed model smart alcohol detector system can be very effective in minimising the road accidents due to excess alcohol consumption. This technology can be integrated in all type of vehicles as a road safety measure.
model diagram for smart alcohol detector system

Visit Official website for all details of competition and synopsis writing. Our objective is to help students in synopsis writing and encouraging them to participate in competition. Students can modify any synopsis written by our team acoording to their innovation and creativity.
Pingback: Innovative Street Lamp with Umbrella canopy- Science Inspire Award
Very nice and very useful
I want a synopsis and device of “”electricity detecting machine on electric pole””
In rainy season sometimes electricity flow in electric flow because of some reason, if wecanake a device which can check this.
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