INSPIRE AWARDS “PROJECT FILE” is to be prepared by computer in MS-Word Format in Single side (One Side of the page) of A4- size paper. You can also prepare project file on assignment sheets or plane white paper. It is better to make computerised. This Project file Book contains 5-15 pages With SPIRAL BINDING or any trasparect file can be used . If you will be selected in District level competition then it is compulsory to make computerised file. Bring TWO (2) HARD COPIES (Printed Books) & TWO (2) SOFT COPIES (CD’S) of the “PROJECT FILE”. If the Project is Selected for “State Exhibition”, then Immediately you will submit Hard & Soft copies of the WRITE-UP & PROJECT FILE. You will also get scholoarship of 15,000 in state level competition.
Sub Title used in Project Report
1. Title of the Inspire Project/Model.
2. Introduction of the Project/Model.
3. Problem and solution statement.
4. Material Used .
5. Procedure.
6. Construction and working Project/Model.
7. Data collection and interpretation.
8. Charts/ Maps/ Diagrams.
9. Utility of the Project/Model To society .
10. Cost-effectiveness.
11. Conclusion / Result.
12. Further Applications

Sample Project File