Top 50 Science Inspire Award Ideas with Synopsis and Project Files. We are providing you best inspire award science projects 2023 ideas. Top inspire award ideas for students in Hindi as well as in English medium. You will also get information about inspire award project file and synopsis writing. What are the ideas for Inspire Award Manak? To get the ideas related to different themes you have to visit our channel . What are different Innovative ideas for INSPIRE award project. You can choose ideas related to science and technology, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and Swatch Bharat Abhiyan . In this article we are providing you best inspire award science projects ideas for 2023 competition.
Best Ideas for Inspire Award Manak
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Home Made Inset Killer Synopsis
Project Theme– Swasthya Bharat Abhiyan
Project Title– Homemade Cockroach Spray // Eco Cockroach Spray
Introduction – Cockroaches are unsanitary and annoying pests that are unwelcome guests in any home. Smelly and expensive pesticides are available in market to kill the cockroaches. A few cockroaches can multiply into substantial population and take over any home. Although ignoring these bugs may seem like the better option, avoiding the problem can quickly make home the new hangout spot for cockroaches. Presence of cockroaches in our homes may cause food illness and allergies so we need to find a alternative solution of removing the cockroaches by making some homemade cockroach spray.
Problem – We can suffer diseases like Cholera, Typhoid fever, Leprosy, Dysentery, Plague, Poliomyelitis, Campylobacteriosis, Gastroenteritis, Giardia, and Listeriosis from a cockroach by eating or drinking contaminated food, inhaling contaminated air, or touching contaminated items.
Solution – I am going to give the idea of homemade cockroach spray.
Material Needed- peppermint , eucalyptus oil ,water, spray bottle etc
Construction –Take a few drops of peppermint or eucalyptus oil to water solution in a spray bottle. Shake the mixture well.
Working – Take the natural homemade cockroach spray prepared in the spray bottle. Shake the Mixture well before spraying . Cockroaches are repelled by the smell of these oils.
Utility – It can be used to remove and kill cockroaches.
Cost-effectiveness– Homemade cockroaches spray is made from easily available low cost material in the home so it’s price is very low and it is a affordable.
Conclusion – By using homemade cockroach pray now we can save ourselves from various diseases and germs spread by cockroaches.
Best Themes For Inspire Award
Science and Technology Theme

Swasth Bharat Abhiyan Theme

Crop Production and Management Theme
User friendly Rikshaw Idea
Project Theme – Science and Technology
Project Title – User friendly pedal rickshaw.
Problem – Old people face the difficulty of climbing the rickshaw
Idea – Small folding stairs are attached to the rickshaw to reduce the difficulty while climbing the rikshaw.

Smart Wristband Idea
Project Theme – Science and Technology
Project Title – Smart Wristwatch for elderly people.
Problem – People especially the old who prescribed medication forgot to take them on time.
Idea – A watch which can store medicine schedule and alert user through beep sound to take the medicine on time.
Pedal Operated Washing Machine Synopsis
प्रोजेक्ट थीम – विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी
प्रोजेक्ट शीर्षक– पैडल संचालित वाशिंग मशीन
परिचय – कपड़े धोना दैनिक जीवन की एक महत्वपूर्ण गतिविधि है। हम सभी अपने कपड़े या तो हाथ से या मशीन से धोते हैं। वाशिंग मशीन एक ऐसा उपकरण है जिसे कपड़े, तौलिए और चादरें धोने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। बाजार में उपलब्ध वर्तमान वाशिंग मशीनें महंगी हैं और बिजली की खपत करती हैं।
समस्या – वाशिंग मशीनों की उच्च लागत के कारण मध्यम आय वाले परिवारों के लिए उन्हें खरीदना मुश्किल है। बिजली की अनुपलब्धता के कारण कुछ क्षेत्रों में विद्युत वाशिंग मशीनों का उपयोग करना मुश्किल है।
समाधान – उपरोक्त समस्या को दूर करने के लिए मैं पैडल संचालित वाशिंग मशीन का विचार देने जा रहा हूँ। इसे चलाने के लिए बिजली की आपूर्ति, पेट्रोल, डीजल की आवश्यकता नहीं है। इसे शरीर के व्यायाम आंदोलनों के साथ मैन्युअल रूप से संचालित किया जा सकता है।
आवश्यक सामग्री– गियर, पैडल, चेन, रियर स्प्रोकेट/फ्लाईव्हील, शाफ्ट, बाहरी ड्रम, आंतरिक ड्रम, कुछ कपड़े, बियरिंग, सहायक फ्रेम, पानी आदि।
निर्माण – सबसे पहले कुछ धातु के टुकड़े लें और उन्हें वॉशिंग मशीन के लिए एक सहायक फ्रेम बनाने के लिए जोड़ें। अब गियर, पैडल, चेन, रियर स्प्रोकेट, फ्लाईव्हील, शाफ्ट, बाहरी ड्रम, इनर ड्रम, बियरिंग जैसे सभी घटकों को एक साथ जोड़कर पैडल संचालित वॉशिंग मशीन सेट अप करें।
कार्य – कपड़े और पानी को ड्रम जैसी संरचना में रखें। मानव व्यायाम की यांत्रिक ऊर्जा को एजिटेटर के घूमने या ड्रम की चक्करदार क्रिया द्वारा कपड़ों के भार में संचारित किया जाता है। ड्रम पैडल की घूर्णन गति से घूमता है। पैडल पावर में पैर के पैडल और एक क्रैंक सिस्टम के माध्यम से मानव स्रोत से शक्ति स्थानांतरित करना शामिल है।
उपयोगिता – इसका उपयोग गांवों के साथ-साथ शहरी क्षेत्रों में भी किया जा सकता है।
लागत-प्रभावशीलता – पैडल संचालित वॉशिंग मशीन इलेक्ट्रिक वॉशिंग मशीनों का एक कम लागत वाला विकल्प है जो कपड़े धोने के लिए मानव शक्ति का उपयोग करती हैं।
निष्कर्ष – पैडल संचालित वॉशिंग मशीन उन क्षेत्रों के लिए सबसे अच्छा विकल्प है जहाँ बिजली की उपलब्धता मुख्य चिंता का विषय है। यह इलेक्ट्रिक वॉशिंग मशीनों के कारण होने वाले बिजली के बिल को कम करने में भी सहायक है। पैडल संचालित वॉशिंग मशीन को जिम उपकरण के रूप में पेश किया जाना चाहिए।
Driver Alert System Idea
Project Theme – Science and Technology
Project Title – Alerting system for bus drivers
Problem – Accidents occur when the passenger put his body part outside the bus window.
Idea – An alerting system for the bus driver enable them to know which passenger has put his head or hand outside the window.
Modified Traffic Light Idea
Project Theme – Science and Technology
Project Title – New Traffic Light System to reduce traffic jam.
Problem – No “on road” information about traffic jam of the road ahead.
Difficulty in Handling the heavy traffic on roads.
Idea – Provision of fourth signal to indicate that the road ahead has traffic jam letting motorists to take an alternative route their by avoiding further congestion. Provision of fifth signal to help the disable people to cross the road.
Multi Featured Travelling Bag Idea
Project Theme – Science and Technology
Project Title – Travelling bag with folding seat.
Problem – . lack of enough sitting arrangement at railway stations, bus stations and airports.
Idea – A pull out seat attached with trolley bag that is Handy for travellers waiting at public places.
View full synopsis of travelling bag
Women Safety Ideas
Project theme – Science and Technology
Project title -( Intoxicant Indicator)
Example -Nail polish which indicate the drug alcohol to prevent molestation.
Problem – Miscreants mix in toxicants in drinks and serve to lady to molest them.
Idea – Intoxicant indicator in the nail polish that changes the color dipped in drug laced drinks.
Agricultural Machine Idea
Project Theme – Science and Technology
Project Title – Low cost portable chiraunji decorticator
Problem – Removing seeds from chiraunji nut is time consuming and laboring work.
Idea – We have portable low cost decorticator which can be used by small farmers easily. This machine can be operate manually or by solar power.
Smart Shoes for Blind Synopsis
Introduction – The mobility of blind people is always a great problem. The mobility of blind people in an unknown environment seems impossible without any external assistance because they don’t have any proper idea about their surroundings. We all often wear shoes while going out. We need to modify the design of normal shoes to digital shoes that can guide visually impaired people during travelling and ensure their safety.
Project Theme– Science and Technology
Project Title – Smart Shoes for Blind
Problem – Blind people find it difficult to recognise the different objects and obstacles around them.
Solution -My proposed model is smart shoes for blind. This devices helps the blind people to easily feel the obstacles in front of them and can save them from accidents. It assist in multiple daily tasks of visually impaired people.
Working – These shoes are designed for blind people. The concept of obstacle detection is done by different sensors. As soon as the obstacle is detected by the sensor, its distance is sent to the Arduino . It calculate the distance and if it is less than a certain selected limit then a buzzer is activated to warn the blind people. The fire sensor and water sensor placed on shoes give necessary information about danger around them.
Cost effectiveness – It is light weight and portable device, easy to use, user friendly and cheap in price . Smart shoes can provide assistance in multiple tasks while maintaining at a low building cost.
Utility – It is useful for all visually impaired people.
Conclusion – Among all assistive devices, wearable devices are found to be the most useful because they require minimum use of hands. The most popular type is foot wearable devices like shoes . The main advantage of this device is that it points naturally in all directions with little efforts, thus eliminates the need of additional direction instructions, unlike other devices. It can provide confidence in blind people while going out.
Innovative water tank model idea
Project Theme – Science and Technology
Project Title – Inclined Installation of water taps at public places
Problem – Tap fixed at certain Heights making it difficult for children of different Height to drink water
Idea -Have pipes fitted on inclined so that they are at different Heights enabling people to drink water easily from tap at appropriate height.
Shock Absorber Crutch Ideas
Project Theme – Science and Technology
Project Title – Crutch with Shock Absorber System and other features
Problem – Pain in the underarms due to expanded use of crutch
Idea – Adding shock absorber to reduce the pain of underarms during the use of crutch and a bell to alert to give the way and light for better visibility during night.
Patient Bed with Detachable chair Idea
Project Theme – Science and Technology
Project title – Innovation of low cost bed with detachable wheelchair.
Problem – Difficulty to move the patient or bedridden person.
Idea – Designed a modified bed with attached wheelchair with a few easy adjustments this integrated wheelchair can be separated from bed there by easy to move from bed to the patient.
Carcass Picking Machine Idea
Project Theme – Science and Technology
Project Title – Animal carcass picking machine
Problem – Decompose carcass of dead animals lying on road causes bad smell and disease .
Idea – A machine which can easily pic up the carcass for appropriate disposal. there by eliminating the risk of any infection.
Paddy Filling Machine Idea
Project Theme -Science and Technology
Project title – Paddy filling machine
Problem – Filling of grains into bag is very hectic and time consuming job.
Idea – Developed a device , which can help the farmers in filling the grains in an easy and rapid way with the help of paddy filling machine. one worker can do the work of 3-4 worker within 3-4 minutes.
Hygienic Waste Picking Cart Idea
Project Theme – Science and Technology
Project Title – Hand driven waste picking and dumping cart
Problem – For the protection of environment and health of the population waste collection is an important task but collecting it with bare hands is both difficult and unhygienic exposing waste collector to deadly diseases.
Idea – Manual easy to use using cart with tools that enables contact less waste collection.
Modified Walker Idea
Project Theme – Science and Technology
Project Title- Modified Walker with adjustable legs.
Problem– Difficulty to walk up or down stairs using conventional four leg walker.
Idea- Mechanically alter the height of the legs of the walker so that they can be adjusted as per the height of the stairs.
Multi Farming tool kit idea
Problem– Problem of carrying multiple tools to fields
Solution- Multi farming tool kit
Water Tank Cleaning Machine Synopsis
Project Theme – Swasth Bharat Abhiyan
Project Title – Innovative Water Tank Cleaning Machine
Introduction -Water tanks or holding containers are commonly used in commercial and residential buildings. The biggest issue these days is to get clean water. It Is extremely Important to keep water clean without using chemicals. Initially water tanks are clean but after sometime dust particles and other impurities settle down at the bottom of the water tank and make water unfit for drinking.
Problem – Over a period of time water tanks get contaminated or clogged with dust, deposits and impurities which settle to the bottom of the tank or form a layer on the inner surfaces of the water tank. Different health diseases caused by drinking the contaminated water stored in dirty water tanks.
Solution – My proposed model is Innovative water tank cleaning machine with auto rotating brush and adjustable steel rod.
Material Needed – Plastic pipes, adjustable steel rods, different brush designs, motor, electric wires, battery, plastic container, water etc
Construction – Take a plastic container and treat it as a water tank to be cleaned. Take different steel roads and join them together to design length adjustable steel
rod for brush. At the end of the steel road place a brush. Join this brush with the motor and wire so that this brush can be automatically rotated with electric supply.
Working – For cleaning the water tanks we need not to enter into the water tank. Take the water tank cleaning machine and place it Inside the water tank. Adjust the length of the steel road. Switch on the electric motor. The brush now starts rotating and we can easily clean the bottom of the water tank with the brush.
Cost-effectiveness- The price of an innovative water tank cleaning machine is also not very high and it is affordable.
Utility – Innovative water tank cleaning machine can be used for domestic as well as for commercial purposes for cleaning different size water tanks.
Conclusion – My proposed model provides a chemical free method to clean the water tank in very less time. It helps to prevent the various diseases caused by drinking the contaminated water from dirty water tanks. Water tank cleaning machines provide an easy and convenient method to clean the water tanks easily.
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