Best Science Inspire Award Synopsis Related to Physical disability

Overview of Synopsis

Physically disabled person means an individual who is unable to walk and move property. Physical disability includes  any physical limitations or disabilities that inhibit the physical function of one or more limbs of a certain person. It can be temporary or permanent. The causes of this kind of disease are various. physical disability is a substantial and long-term condition affecting a part of a person’s body that impairs and limits their physical functioning, mobility, stamina or dexterity.
The loss of physical capacity results in the person having a reduced ability, or inability, to perform body movements such as walking, moving their hands and arms, sitting and standing as well as controlling their muscles. Critically analyze the various problems that are faced by the physically challenged persons. You can choose physical disability problem for your science Inspire Award competition. You can develop an alternate and integrated solution to solve these problems. There is a vast number of physical disabilities, each affecting people differently. Types include mobility impairment, visual impairment, hearing loss, chronic fatigue or pain and seizures.
They can be due to accidents, injuries, obesity, infection or other illnesses. These may also be caused due to genetic disorders. This is one of the most prominent barriers for students with disabilities. School and college buildings in most countries lack basic infrastructure to make the institution physically accessible for students with disabilities. Problems faced by physical disable students. Most institutions lack ramps for wheelchairs and proper tile markings for blind students. Institutions with multi-level buildings lack elevators or lifts. Washrooms are often inaccessible. Heavy doors and narrow and dimly-lit entrances too make institutions inaccessible to walk up or down stairs using conventional four leg Walker. Also check our top 5 disability synopsis


Problem- Difficulty in walking up and down stair using traditional four leg Walker. In traditional Walker the length of legs is fixed and we cannot make use of stairs

Idea– Mechanically alter the height of the legs of the walker so that they can be adjusted as per the height of the stairs.

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