VVM Exam study material

VVM Exam Study Material- Get All Details

Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan (VVM) is an initiative of Vijnana Bharati (VIBHA), in collaboration with National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), an institution under the Ministry of Education, Government of India and National Council of Science Museums (NCSM), an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. Students from 6th to 11th […]

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Animal Safety System In Vehicles Synopsis- Science Inspire Award

Buy  Science Inspire Ebooks– Click Here. Get top model ideas – click here Animal safety refers to the protection and well-being of animals from harm, cruelty and Killing. Animals are integral part of our eco system. Population of animals is continuously decreasing due to human interfarance. Many animals are killed or injured on roads due to collission with vehicles.

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innovative farmer stick model

Innovative Farmer Stick Synopsis for Science Inspire Award

Buy  Science Inspire Award Ebooks– Click Here. Get top model ideas – click here Farmer friendly stick synopsis Crop production and management an important part of agriculture that involves the cultivation and care of crops from planting to harvesting. Crop production is essential to fulfill our food requirement. Farmers are the backbone of crop production . Most farmers carry

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Breath Easy Model Synopsis for Science Inspire Award

Environmental pollution is a growing concern that threatens the very existence of our planet. It is defined as the harmful contamination of air water and soil of the the environment. A visit to any big city of India makes a very unpleasant experience just due to pollution. The streets and roads have waste dumps around

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crop production model ideas

Top 3 Crop Production Model Ideas for Science Inspire Award

Crop production is the process of growing and harvesting crops that are essential for human nutrition and livelihood. It involves various stages right from soil preparation to harvesting and storage.Crop production is the backbone of any nation as agriculture provides food, fiber and other essential products. It requires careful planning, precise execution and efficient management.

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earthquake warning system model

Innovative Earthquake Warning System synopsis for Science Inspire Award

Earthquake warning system are designed to detect seismic activity and provide an early warning system to help people evacuate to safety before an earthquake. Earthquake causes loss of life and property. Early warning of earthquake can contribute to saving life. In this model you can use multiple sensors that detect seismic activity and trigger alerts

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pedal operated washing machine model

Pedal Operated Washing Machine Synopsis for Science Inspire Award

Pedal driven washing machines, also known as foot-operated or treadle washing machines. It is non-electric washing machine that perform the washing process by means of a pedal or step. No electricity is require to operate these machines. Pedal operated washing machine can be a nice model idea for science inspire award competition. It is durable

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new model ideas fr sciece inspire award

Bomb Disposal Robot Model Synopsis for Science Inspire Award

A bomb removal robot is a remote-controlled or independent robot intended to discard hazardous gadgets, like bombs, in a protected and controlled way. These robots are commonly utilized by bomb removal units and dangerous weapons removal (EOD) groups to limit the gamble of injury or passing from blasts. Bomb disposal robot can be a good

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innovative street lamp with umbrella conopy model

Innovative Street Lamp with Umbrella canopy- Science Inspire Award

Street lights are essential for our safety and comfort at night. Sreet light illuminates roads, parks and side walks. They provide a sense of security and visibility for pedestrians, especially at night. Now students can modify existing street lights into solar driven street lights with umbrella canopy. Smart street light can be an innovative model

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Fog Accident Prevention Device- Inspire Award Idea and Synopsis

Best model idea realated to road safety for science inspire award competition. Fog accident prevention device uses ultrasonic sensor to prevent collision in foggy environment. Choose best idea submit your synopsis and get 10,000 rupees scholarship by participating in inspire award competition.Get best 100 inspire award manak ideas. Get science inspire award registration link 2024.

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