Pedal Operated Washing Machine Synopsis for Science Inspire Award

pedal operated washing machine model

Pedal driven washing machines, also known as foot-operated or treadle washing machines. It is non-electric washing machine that perform the washing process by means of a pedal or step. No electricity is require to operate these machines. Pedal operated washing machine can be a nice model idea for science inspire award competition. It is durable and easy to operate. It is especially suitable for off grid areas.

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Energy independence (no electricity required to start machine. form washing to drying all work is manual)

Cost effective (no electricity bills as it utilises human’s mechanical energy

Eco-friendly ( reduced carbon footprint)

Portable and compact design ( easy to operate)

Low maintenance (need not any major support for repairing)

2 thoughts on “Pedal Operated Washing Machine Synopsis for Science Inspire Award”

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