Biodegradable Mud Bags(Pots) Idea for Science inspire Award Competition 2023-2024.


New Model Idea related to environment for Science inspire Award Competition 2023-2024. These days Plastic is such a substance that is being used everywhere. Today, nothing is exempt from this. As much as it has benefited us through bags, furniture, utensils, bottles, boxes, and other accessories, it has also harmed our environment. Its waste has caused a lot of damage to the environment. Its use increased as time passed. The use of polythene containers is very common to nursery practice. We see Black Plastic Nursery Poly Bags in so many places. We can replace the plastic poly bags by biodegradable bags in nursery practice. By using biodegradable mud bags we can save our environment from plastics pollution. You can choose an idea of biodegradable mud bags for your science inspire award competition 2023-2024. Get free 100 model ideas

Full Synopsis of Mud Pots

Project -Theme Save Environment

Project Title – Biodegradable Mud Pots

Introduction – biodegradable pot are biocontainer made up of organic material used as planting container. Biodegradable pots are mainly of two types . Pots that can be planted directly in the soil are called plantable pots and compostable pots. Plantable pots allow the roots of plants to penetrate the walls of the pot and make it possible to be transplanted to the land without breaking the pot. While compostable pots are pots that do not allow the transfer of plants directly to the ground because the roots of the plants cannot easily penetrate the walls of the pot so we have to take out the plant from the pot and put it into the soil for further growth. Presently plastic bags are used by the plant nurseries to grow seedling and ornamental plants that causes pollution.

Problem – Accumulation of plastic waste may reduce function and fertility of soil, as well as may harm organisms through the bioaccumulation and biomagnification.

Solution – I am going to give the idea of an environment friendly biodegradable pot that can be an approach to achieve sustainable agricultural goals . The pots are decomposed by the action of micro bacteria and do not cause any environmental pollution.

Cost effectiveness – The price of each individual biodegradable mud pot is also not very high it is affordable.

Conclusion -Biodegradable pots can help to reduce agri plastic waste accumulation. They also help in recycling agricultural wastes into economically valuable products with many advantages like degradation, enriching soil nutrients, and help in soil amelioration.

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