Electricity Generating Shoes full Synopsis for Science Inspire Award 2023-2024

Electricity is important resource for human life. Electricity management is important to save electricity. You can make a model related to saving electricity for your science inspire award competition. Electricity generating shoes will be a method for saving electricity.

Electricity generating shoes full synopsis

Project theme-
science and Technology

Project title
Electricity generating shoes

Electricity is essential part of our life. People use electricity using lighting, heating, cooling, operating appliances, electronic, Machinery etc. Electricity can be generated in dams, thermal power stations etc. We also use electricity for charging mobile phones and batteries at home. But if we go outside the home it is not possible to recharge mobile phones and batteries.

As electricity is often generated on large scale. I have an idea to generate electricity in small scale at home using shoes . We often use shoes while going to market, school etc. I have used the technique piezoelectric generation in shoes . When we go outside the home we will be able to charge the mobile phone and electric batteries with the help of our piezoelectric shoes.

Material required
Piezoelectric plate, shoes, wires, vibrator, capacitor, diodes, pvc sheets, glue, Soldering iron, shoe for charging mobile phones and batteries

First mark the feet size on pvc sheet and cut it accordingly
Place piezo element on pvc sheet and mark it to make holes
Make holes into the pvc according to the marking
Stick the piezo element in the sandwiching manner with hot glue.

Working- when we will wear the piezo electric shoes we will automatically generate mechanical stress with our heels in the shoes as a result of mechanical stress electric charges are produce which generate the piezoelectricity.

Mechanical strain is converted into electrical charges

Cost effectiveness-
It can be made with locally available material
Its cost is also not very high.

It can be used just like an ordinary shoes.
It can bs used by all the peoples while going yo to office, market, school, etc.

These shoes will contribute to the light energy requirement in our houses. We can anywhere charge mobile phone.

Best model ideas for inspire award

View This new model idea related to saving electricity

Project theme
Science and technology

Project title
Automatic fan

Fan is a powered machine used to create a flow of air. A fan consists of a rotating arrangement of vanes or blades, generally made of metal. Ceiling fan is a fan mounted on the ceiling of a room or space, usually electrically powered, that uses hub-mounted rotating blades to circulate air. Electrical fan uses electrical energy for its functioning. Sometimes we forgot to switch off the fan . It waste a lots of energy . Especially at public places people take less interest in properly switching off the fan after taking air.

This project uses a PIR sensor to sense the infrared (IR) energy generated by the human body. When somebody come close to the fan the IR energy sensed by the sensor transforms and triggers the sensor to open and close the button routinely. Further, the indication sent to microcontroller to control the fan on off movement.

Material Required
Electrical, motor ,wire ,switch,card wood, chats , glue, cellotape, sensor

make a house of cardboard, place a fan that detect the infrared energy generated by human body at the roof of the house. Make a bench of cardboard and place it below the fan.

When any person will sit below the fan It will recognize the infrared energy generated by human body and will automatically on. When any person will leave the place to go somewhere else this fan will be automatically off.

Cost effectiveness
It can be easily made with material available in the market and it’s price is not very high it can be used by the common man also

It can be used in homes as well as in public places like railway stations, bus stand etc.

this fan automatically on or off so it will save the unnecessary wastage of energy in case if no one is sitting for taking the air. It will save electrical energy.

Important note

The information regarding science inspire award is only for education purpose. Our objective is to create awareness about the competition and help the students in synopsis writing . For more information you are advised to visit the official website. I am also providing you the link below.

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