Plastic products like bags, Plastic pens, spoons, toys etc., are abundantly available in the market. These are easy and cheap to manufacture and, thus, are widely used. Plastics do not dissolve in water and land. Plastic causes all tye of air water and soil pollution. It has an adverse effect when burnt. These stay on the face of the earth for years together, accumulating and increasing daily, leading to plastic pollution. Plastic harms the climate. It hurts marine life in the ocean when dumped in the water, impuring the water by releasing toxins. Plastic disposed of in soil doesn’t degrade, leading to garbage accumulation and the breeding of insects. Plastic pens are used by school and college students . Replacing plastic pens by wood pens will help to minimize plastic pollution. You can choose an idea related to wood pens for your science inspire competition.
Also view top 50 science inspire award synopsis
Inspire Award Competition details
Science Inspire Award 2022-2023 | Links |
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Science Inspire Award Project Files for 2024- 2025 | Click Here |
SCIENCE INSPIRE Awards Latest Updates for 2022 – 2023 for district and state level science Inspire Award competition & Project Competitions. INSPIRE Awards MANAK Programme Latest Updates by . Users can visit this page regularly and get the latest information of MANAK INSPIRE Awards 2022-2023.
Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research’ (INSPIRE) scheme is one of the flagship programmes of Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India. The aim of this programme is to motivate students studying in classes 6 to 10 of all Government and Private schools affiliated by Central Government or State Governments. The objective of the scheme is to target one million original ideas/innovations rooted in science and societal applications to foster a culture of creativity and innovative thinking among school children. Under this scheme, schools can nominate 5 best original ideas/innovations of students through science Inspire Award official website.
First Step Of Competition
Students from class 6th to 10th participate in this competition. Maximum Five students from each school can participate in the competition. Students first choose one idea to solve a problem around them and make a synopsis of it. In the synopsis the projector details or model Idea details are provided by the students. Each school can select 5 students and can complete the process of online nomination on the science Inspire Award official website . The DST and Ministry of Education which examined these selected the project ideas (synopsis) . A grant of Rs.10,000 will be deposited in the bank accounts of the respective students who are selected .
Second step of competition
The selected students will get 10000 rupees to make their model ideas or projects. Students can utilise this money for making their model ideas. Now it is time for district level Competition. At district Level Competition the models prepared by the students will be presented by students.
Third step of competition
The students selected at district level competition will participate in State level Competition. The students who win at district level Competition also get some grant to upgrade their model ideas. The students who win the State level Competition bill participate in national level Competition.
Fourth step of competition
The students who will win at a State level Competition will participate in national level Competition. At this level the students with the brilliant ideas also have opportunity to have copyright and patent of their model ideas.
We urge parents, teachers, schools to encourage students to participate actively and submit ideas and innovations through their schools. It is a great opportunity to develop the logical thinking reasoning power of the students.
How to choose a model idea. Things that should be kept in mind
👉Capture a master list of problems from your surrounding.
👉Review your master list of problems
👉Finalize one idea for your competition
👉Think about your finally selected problem carefully.
👉Try to find the simple innovative and creative solution of the problem.
👉Make a synopsis of your problem
👉With the help of your teacher upload it on science Inspire Award Manak website for taking part in aspire award competition.
Most useful science inspire award playlist links.
List of important synopsis for science inspire award competition
I am providing you list of some synopsis and model ideas for your science inspire award competition. To get all details of synopsis please visit our channel.

Synopsis Eco Friendly wood pens (corn husk pens)
Project theme
Swachh Bharat abhiyan
Project title
Eco friendly wood pens
several farmers grow corn. However, after harvesting, they keep the outer husk of the corn, which they remove before sending it to market. This shell tends to burn, as it is not used for any purpose. burning corn waste is one of the leading causes of air pollution. In addition, the fumes are a health hazard to millions of people and animals. large quantity of corn husks is wasted and burned every year. Pens are important part of our study. Ball pens are generally made up of plastic. Plastic is not biodegradable and these pants are not eco friendly and causes pollution. I am going to suggest to the idea of a ball pen made up of wood. It is nature friendly and causes no harm to environment.
I am going to suggest a sustainable solution to prevent burning corn waste. My idea is to make a pens made from discarded dried corn husks.

Material needed
Dried corn husk, ball pen refills
Turn the dried corn husk leaves into the cylindrical shape. Put the refers into the cylindrical shaped wooden ball pens, make a cap using small dried corn husk. Place cap in front of the pen.
hold the pan in your hand. Take a paper and write it just like a simple ball pen. If there will be no ink in the refill use new refill for the same pen. Burn the ball pen after use. We can also throw it in garbage as it is biodegradable.
These pens are useful for all type of school students as well as four college students. These can also be used in homes and offices.
Cost effectiveness
These pence can be made from locally available material. These bands are made from the waste of corn. It’s cost is not very high and it can be used by all type of school students.
Eco friendly wood pans or corn husk pens are better than plastic pens .Use of corn husk pens would help to reduce the plastic waste generated from plastic pens and prevent burning of the corn husk.
What type of model ideas are not encouraged ????????
As the aim of this scheme is to promote original and innovative thinking among school students, project ideas from textbooks, Do-It-Yourselves books/ Websites, other student competitions, etc. should NOT to be submitted. Projects simply demonstrating Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Mathematics concepts/theories are also NOT to be submitted. Common ideas/projects like hydel power projects, rain water harvesting, water level indicator, vermi compost/vermin wash, letter box alarm, using turbines to generate energy, electricity generation through waste batteries/dung/transport/wave or earthquake alarms, etc. may also be NOT submitted.
Children should be encouraged to come up with creative ideas on their own. Parents or teachers may propose a problem to the child or help in converting his/her idea into a prototype/model but NOT suggest the idea themselves. The teachers may also look up the web link below to check if the projects being developed by their wards have been not recognized already. This will help ensure originality and maintain the standard of the competition. (,in/UserP/inspire-downloads.aspx)
Examples include but are not limited to the following
• Common ideas/concepts textbooks/others
• Hydel power projects
• Rain water harvesting
• Water level indicator
• alarms, burglar alarms etc.
• Using Electricity/energy Vermicomposting /vermin wash
• Letter box farm, earthquake alarm through turbines/waste
batteries/dung/transport/wave etc.
• Turbines to generate energy
List of rejected topic for for science inspire award
You can also visit and join our 2nd channel SD GK STUDY to view all science inspire award videos .List of synopsis available on our second channel overview
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